Archives Values Futures
isbn 9783856168681   Christoph Merian
Idea Code 21215      $53.50

This illustrated review of the exciting and diverse events at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW in 2017 includes the opening of the Graduates School of the European Center for Art, Design and Media-Based Research, a glance at the symposiums entitled '(Hi)stories in Art after the End of the Cold War' and 'It’s not the Economy …' (in cooperation with the Vitra Design Museum) as well as essays by artists on the first electronic music festival 'Emerging Real'. Another theme is experimental poetry in digital space, and there is an introduction to the joint project between the Institute Art and the TBA21 Academy.

350 p, ills colour, 17 x 24 cm, hb, German/English

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